
“The community I loved, / in the Diaspora, / my home…”
is being torn apart by this war.
Facing the Antisemitism Inside of Me

“I pray to a God of peace / a God that doesn’t love us differently…”
Dear G-d, Bring Us Peace

“Bring peace to the anger in the world…”
A Tikkun for Shaking the Lulav

A new tikkun to add meaning to the traditional ritual.
Teshuvah: Recognizing Holiness

A special tree inspires a sacred moment.
For the Captives

“Stop our hearts from breaking / put the broken pieces together again.”
On Rav Kook Following Oct. 7th

“It’s easy to see that / HaShem is asking for a lot”.
Independent Jewish Divorce Ritual

For this independent ritual, no witnesses or rabbi need to be present.
A Prayer of Beresheit in Time of War

“for us, / for the children, / and for the children’s children…”
Prayer for the Rain of Peace

On Simchat Torah we prayed for rain: “Mashiv ha’ruach u’morid hageshem.” It fell as bombs and terror upon Medinat Yisrael. It fell as tears from Am Yisrael. It poured from […]