The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party: Another Prayer for Israel

“When I pray for peace, help me stay raw…”
Template for a Coming Out Ceremony

A template from which individuals who are coming out can choose rituals and prayers to construct a coming out ceremony.

“I’m salting the sky with haskiveinu,
seeking wings of protection…”
A Sensory Mikvah

A reinterpretation of the mikvah ritual to perform when full immersion is not possible.
A Kavannah for Yotzeir Or

“Blessed are You, Adonai, / Creator of all that illuminates.”
Embodying the Tree of Life – A Mind, Body, Spirit Awakening Practice

Join Rabbi Tsurah August for a simple body/mind/spirit practice that uses the paradigm of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life to activate our bodies.
Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy

“The twin flames flicker, one to remember and one to keep…”
Echoes of Sinai

“The voice of God, a timeless song…”
Prayer and Somatic Meditation for These Uncertain Times

A guided meditation with afirmations and breath work.
Ritual for an Aborted or Miscarriaged Child

Madeleine Sklar shares a ritual and poem for the grief of a miscarried child.