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The Beginning of the Journey: A Mikveh Immersion Ceremony for Rosh Hashanah

a person sits at the water's edge, lifting their hands upward

Intentions, blessings, and poems to read upon immersing in the mikveh before Rosh Hashanah

7 Kavanot for Mikveh Preparation

water is splashing against a person's cupped hands

To connect the physical with the mental, emotional, and spiritual, Mayyim Hayyim provides Seven Kavanot (intentions) as a guide to help you slow down, center, and be present in the moment

Elul: The Shofar

a young person blows a shofar

A poem about what the blast of the shofar does to bring us out of past and present

We Will Not Be Comforted

A piece shared at a vigil for Charlottesville which advocates for continued fight against white supremacy

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Join the Ritualwell community to read and discuss examples of hope expressed in writing through song, story, humor and metaphor that will stir you to think about where hope lives within you.

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