A New Kol Nidrei

“Whether righteous or unrighteous, all shall pray as one community.”

At this moment, when we should be forgiving,
when we should be most concerned for the judgment we deserve,
we remain unable to forgive,
we remain unable to feel forgiven,
we are unable even to feel deserving of forgiveness.

All these thoughts isolate us.

We are smug in our own righteousness, and
we despair we can ever be righteous,

All these thoughts isolate us.

We cannot still our minds,
cannot stop ourselves from judging,
cannot stop feeling judged,
cannot connect with those among whom we sit,
cannot reach past our isolation.

All these thoughts isolate us.

This one small thing I ask:
whether I am righteous or unrighteous,
whether my neighbors are righteous or unrighteous,
let us pray for forgiveness as a community.

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