Modeh, Modah, Modim

Modeh Ani L’fanekha
Man gives thanks to You

Modah Ani L’fanekha
Woman gives thanks to You
Anakhnu Modim L’fanekha 
We give thanks to You
For our souls which rise and fly,
Across the night skies,
Traversing universes and realities,
Reaching for stars,
Finding new light,
Searching for ways to help us become more Holy.
Modeh Ani L’fanekha
Man gives thanks to You
Modah Ani L’fanekha
Woman gives thanks to You
Anacknu Modim L’fanekha 
We give thanks to You
For allowing our souls their freedom,
Yet ensuring their return upon the morning’s light,
Renewed from their journeys of enlightenment,
They enter us and spread that fluid energy,
They bring the light of Holiness,
They give us the strength to face a new day,
The desire to strive for new miracles,
We tread one inch closer to You with each breath of rebirth.
Modeh Ani L’fanekha
Man gives thanks to You
Modah Ani L’fanekha
Woman gives thanks to You
Anacknu Modim L’fanekha 
We give thanks to You


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