Baruch, brucha, adonai, yah, mishaneh, mishanah habri’ot.
Baruch, brucha, adonai, yah, mishaneh, mishanah habri’ot.
What a world, what a world, full of wonder and beauty
What a world, what a world, full of wonder and change
What a world, what a world, full of wonder and difference
Where we were never even meant to be the same….
Baruch, brucha, adonai, yah, mishaneh, mishanah habri’ot.
Baruch, brucha, adonai, yah, mishaneh, mishanah habri’ot.
What a world, what a world, full of every different color
What a world, what a world, full of every different shape
What a world, what a world, full of every kind of thinking
Where we were never even meant to be the same….
Now the history of this blessing was to point out something strange
To acknowledge when we felt surprise
To remind us that all creation is not supposed to be the same
That variety brings beauty to our lives….
Baruch, brucha, adonai, yah, mishaneh, mishanah habri’ot.
Baruch, brucha, adonai, yah, mishaneh, mishanah habri’ot.
What a world, what a world, full of mystery and questions
What a world, what a world, full of mystery and pain
What a world, what a world, full of mystery and learning
Where we were never even meant to be the same….
Mishaneh HaBri’ot © Joanie Calem Feb 1, 2021