I shall praise You, my God, for the abundance of creation. You give us beautiful trees with delicious fruit. You care for us well, as Ezekiel said, “Upon the banks of the stream shall grow all kinds of trees for food, whose leaf shall not wither, and whose fruit shall not fail. They will yield new fruit every month, because their waters flow from the Temple. Their fruit shall be for food, and their leaves for healing.”
Please God, let us be like the well-watered tree, flourishing in Your loving care. Help us find Your sparkling waters. We will take root in Your loving-kindness and become a blessing for creation. Let us drink deeply from Miriam’s Well and learn to care for Your beautiful world.
Let us bring peace, quickly, in our own day.
(lift cup)
Zot Kos Miryam, Kos Mayyim Hayyim.
Mayyim Hayyim min ha-Mikdash.
Mayyim Hayyim min ha-Mikdash.
This is the Cup of Miriam, the Cup of Living Waters, Living Waters from the Temple.
N’varekh et Eyn ha-Hayyim she-natnah lanu Mayyim Hayyim. –
Let us bless the Source of Life Who has given us living waters.
(blessing for drinking water)
Barukh Atah Adonay, Eloheynu Melekh ha-Olam, she-ha-kol nih’ye bi-d’varo. –
Blessed are You Yah our God, Majestic Spirit of the Universe, by Whose word everything is created.
© 1995 Kol Isha (Matia Rania Angelou, Stephanie Loo)
May be used, but not sold, by notifying Kol Isha in writing at
PO Box 132, Wayland, MA, 01778.
Please include this copyright on all copies.