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Joy of Purim

Two people examine a large open book with colorful illustrations and Hebrew text, pointing at different sections.
In days of old, in Persia’s land
 King Ahasuerus held command
A wicked man rose full of hate
Haman schemed to seal our fate
Yet hidden in the palace bright
A Jewish queen rose to the fight
Esther, brave, with a  heart so true
Knew what she was called to do
She fasted, prayed, then took her stand
Before the king, with fate in hand
A feast was set, and a truth revealed
And justice turned on evil’s shield
The gallows built for Mordechai
Was the place where Haman would die
And through the land, the word was spread:
No Jew would fall, and none would dread
So now we dance, rejoice, and cheer
Drown his name so none may hear
With hamantaschen, gifts, and song
The joy of Purim—loud and strong!
For though we faced the darkest night
Our faith endured,  we won the fight
And every year we lift our voice
To celebrate, to laugh, and to rejoice!

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Purim is a tale of resilience, standing up and speaking out. Now more than ever, we need YOUR story!

Whether you share your story for the holiday or another occasion, Purim is the perfect opportunity to embrace your role as a storyteller.

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