Maybe it’s the old fires that fail to cease,
Like heavenly storms of rage and fury.
Maybe this is the great fires that rained down upon those old cities,
Of days long past.
If I were to sit in the streets of Sodom what would I see?
If I were to lay in the streets of Gomorrah what would I see?
Would I see the new lie?
The lie that is used to support hatred?
The lie for why people say these cities burned?
Or would I find the old truth?
The truth behind why these cities burned,
For you see the truth is all around us in these modern streets.
For I still am sitting in the streets of Sodom.
For I am still laying in the streets of Gomorrah.
For that old truth that led to the destruction of those old cities still lingers,
They simply did not help those in need.
For this Sodom and Gomorrah burned.
For it was their hateful hardened hearts that led to fire.
It was their hatred that led to their end.
When you recall with a hateful new lie of why they burned,
Remember it was not a man loving a man that caused these cities to burn.
But simply the baseless hatred for those in need.
Image: Sodom and Gomorrah afire by Jacob de Wet II, 1680, from Wikipedia.