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Elul: A Prayer for Those Who Wrestle

a person wraps their arm around another person as they sit looking out on a body of water with a boat in the distance
I have sinned.
I have transgressed.
I have rebelled. 
These words repeated umpteen times
In umpteen ways by prophet and high priest alike.
Reminding us of the loss and the breach of straying too far from the ways that our ancestors traveled.
And the pull of spiritual mutiny, still.
The refusal to swallow the lie of who we are not.
To cough up the burden to fit in
To face the imminent fear of Korach’s pit.
But to give up the guilt and make our own ways, as our ancestors did.
I have sinned.
I have transgressed.
I have rebelled.
But all my paths are my People’s.
And even in my wrestling, G-d draws me closer.

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