Source of All Life, Please hear my/our prayers:
A Blessing for Wisdom:
So many times I can’t figure things out, I don’t know the path to take or what is right for me. Please give me the wisdom to put the pieces together in the way that will take me on the right path. And help me remember it for the next time
A Blessing of Homecoming:
I’m sorry I missed the mark; bring me back to you and hold me close
A Blessing for Forgiveness:
Forgive me when I mess up; sometimes I mess up again and again.
A Blessing for Return:
Return me to Your favor. I/We have done some awful things but I/We know Your heart is big.
Blessing for Healing:
I’m praying with all my heart for a healing of body and spirit for so many who are broken and ailing, including our planet. Please heal them. Hear their names:______
Blessing for Sustenance:
Let the Earth produce enough food for all to eat their fill. Let the hungry be satisfied and let no child go to bed hungry at night.
Blessing for Refugees:
May we all welcome the distressed refugees from all over the world to share in our freedom and in our bounty. In generations past, those refugees may have been our grandparents, seeking asylum from many evils and hardships all over the world.
Blessings for Justice:
May our fragmented country find its way so that justice and mercy will continue to triumph.
Blessing for Humility and Respect:
Help those who speak with a crooked tongue and cause divisiveness and harm find humility and respect to deal justly with others.
Blessing for our Leaders:
Our leaders and teachers need our help and blessings. Please, G-d, stay with them and guide them on the right path. They need You.
Blessings for Peace in the Holy Land:
Eternal One, Help the people of (Jerusalem) Yerushalayim dwell in peace with each other. No more rivers of blood and tears on your holy streets. We beg You to make this a reality in our lifetime.
Blessing for Renewal:
Source of All, We pray for a re-birth, a re-blossoming of your people Israel.
Blessing for Acceptance:
YAH, Ein Sof, I hope you’re listening.
Infinite One, Don’t turn away–accept my prayers. I know You hear all our prayers