Aninu Shekhinah: Answer us, Shekhinah

Aninu Shekhinah, aninu.

Aninu shoma’at kolenu, aninu.
Aninu kalat l’vavenu, aninu.
Aninu yoda’at yameinu, aninu.
Aninu notenet hayyeinu, aninu.
Aninu homah k’nafshenu, aninu.

Aninu Immeinu. aninu.

Aninu em ha’banot, aninu.
Aninu misgav imahot, aninu.
Aninu nefesh akhot, aninu.
Aninu v’yadanu emet, aninu.

Respond Shekhinah to us, please answer. 
Respond to our voices, please answer.
Respond Bride of Our Hearts, please answer.
Respond Crone of Our Days, please answer.
Respond Giver of Life, please answer.
Respond Sounder of Souls, please answer.

Respond, oh Mother, please answer.

Respond Mother of Daughters, please answer.
Respond Refuge of Mothers, please answer.
Respond Sister of Souls, please answer.
Respond and enlighten our lives, please answer. 

From the Selikhot service of the L.A. Jewish Feminist Center, compiled by Rachel Adler and Yaffa Weisman, Aug. 31, 1991. Used with the permission of Rachel Adler.

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