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An Invitation and A Prayer

a sky of blue clouds
Walk through the fog of despair and destruction.
Follow the flame burning brightly.
Come to our table in peace, a table we have set
with offerings of goodness and compassion.
Come to our changing table,
where hardened hearts melt into vessels of loving kindness.
Bring to our turn-table faith that we can turn the tide,
where children’s laughter sparkles in the clear blue air,
where communities open their hands to one another,
where milk and honey flow across all borders.
Oh Source of All Living Things…
You promised you would prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.
I pray you anoint my head with oil and then
anoint the head of my enemies,
so they are no longer
my enemy,
and all of our cups runneth over.






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Now more than ever, we need the guidance of our ancestors, and creative expression provides a wonderful path for connection.

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