May the One who blessed our fathers and mothers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah bless and strengthen you, who cares, supports, and shares in the illness of your loved one. May you receive the spiritual resources from the Holy One to hold you up, sustain, and carry you as you give on a daily basis.
May you receive emotional support from those you know, who care for you, so you feel strengthened and renewed.
May you embrace all the goodness that surrounds you, moments in nature, time to be silent and quiet, music you love, and beauty that is in the world.
And may you find meaning in something that will nourish your soul outside of your commitment and loyalty to your loved one, knowing that you too need healing of mind, body, and spirit.
Blessed are You, Adonai, who lifts those who are bent and strengthens those who feel weak.