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A Ceremony Is Born
By Rabbi Danielle Stillman
October 12, 2012
The women who attended my blessing circle couldn’t believe the news when they heard it. I daresay everyone felt like they had a little bit to do with it—I certainly think they did.
You Shall Have Nothing But Joy
September 28, 2012
We don’t want Yom Kippur to leave us in a slump, struggling to pick ourselves up.  Instead, we must embrace joy so that we may restore balance in the world, in our community, and within ourselves.
Honest Accounting
By Rabbi Deborah Glanzberg-Krainin, Ph.D.
September 20, 2012
It is too easy to find fault in others. How can we be more honest with ourselves so that we can make corrections to our decisions? 
Return to Me
By Rabbi Yael Levy
September 12, 2012
The One of Infinite Possibilities calls: Return to me and I will return to you (Zecharia 1:3)
Walking With the King
By Rabbi Lisa Goldstein
September 5, 2012
What if we could derive a practice from the story of the King in the field—breathe life into it and into our own souls? How can we, in the midst of our busy, self-conscious lives, find the cozy, loving intimacy with God that is hinted at in this tale?
Good Intentions Reap Good Results
By Rabbi Jacob Staub, Ph.D.
August 29, 2012
Teshuvah is a combination of my work, my practice, and my good intentions together with a subliminal, imperceptible, wonderful phenomenon that seems to arrive out of the blue from somewhere else.
The Art of Aging
By Craig Taubman
August 17, 2012
Jewels of Elul is a project created by Craig Taubman that offers 29 inspirational insights for the month of Elul. The following was the Jewels of Elul theme of 2012.
Tisha b'Av and a Re-Imagined Future
July 27, 2012
Our collective memory consists of the narratives and experiences individual Jews bring to the Jewish story.
Recipe for a Ritual
By Rabbi Roni Handler
July 25, 2012
When Freedom to Marry, an organization dedicated to ending marriage discrimination, posted about my essay in Tablet Magazine, I was astounded by the tremendous response to the post and by the outpouring of well wishes.
Shabbat Unplugged
July 19, 2012
Jenny Ferentz, a counselor at Camp JRF, reflects on what makes the celebration of Shabbat at camp so special…

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