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The Art of Aging

Jewels of Elul is a project created by Craig Taubman that offers 29 inspirational insights for the month of Elul. The following was the Jewels of Elul theme of 2012.

The theme of this year’s Jewels of Elul is especially dear to my heart, because I try to live my life as art—not a science—and also, well, because I’m aging.  

As much as we may try to be positive about aging, it can be hard to watch our bodies change. The other problem with the aging process is the way it ends: We die. However, if we have lived well, our lives can be like pieces of art that are not thrown away but passed down as a gift to future generations. 

As the 29 writers, artists, politicians, thinkers and dreamers in this collection show, aging can bring many upsides, enlightenments, hidden beauties, and joys. I hope that by sharing these reflections we might inspire each other to see the beautiful and be more powerful.

This volume is extra special to me as it contains a Jewel written by my 24-year-old son together with my 86-year-old father-in-law. Need I say more?

Finally, I thank my parents for the gift of life they gave me 54 years ago.

L’chaim, To Life!

Craig Taubman is a musician who has engaged the Jewish community for almost 30 years. His passion for communal prayer is reflected in his CD projects, including Friday Night Live, One Shabbat Morning and, his newest release, How Good. Craig also creates soundtracks for Jewish life via his Celebrate series of music featuring hundreds of artists from all walks of life.

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