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A Prayer of Connection

Close-up of a person sitting with hands open and resting on their knees, palms facing upward.
My eyes scan the horizon to behold You
My ears long to hear Your whispered words
My mouth speaks words meant only You
My senses come alive as I pursue Your grace
Can I journey to You in this body so fragile?
Do You seek me out, as I seek to find You?
Is there a distant Eden where we can meet?
If such a place, is it even within my reach?
Perhaps my desire is misdirected.
Perhaps I am using the wrong tools of perception
Perhaps I must learn some other way.
Perhaps my heart can do what eyes and ears cannot.
Just as souls and hearts are inextricably connected,
So too, have we been tethered through the ages.
Even when it seems that You are out of reach,
In truth, it is my heart which has hardened.
Creator of All, grant me the ability to joyously connect.
Worker of Wonders, show me when this heart is closed.
Provider of Mercy, allow my senses to experience You.
Giver of Life, embrace my essence and help me to learn humility.

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