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A Poem for the High Holidays

two people holding fire poi
We are at the beginning
         Of new cycles
         In a world that is ours
         Transcending time and space.
We are in the middle
         Of taking stock
         As we look to next steps
         And ponder choices that follow.
We are at the end
         Of the last season
   Musing, reflecting on what we learned.
          We become aware that
               Before us lies the expanse
                      Of the next beginning.
We ask: What now?
We find ourselves
             Communing inside
    With images, thoughts and senses that translate to
       Joy, sorrow, gratitude,
        Fear, yearning, confusion,
We find ourselves
In actions, deeds, and meetings
               In song and
               In shared words of prayer.
We pause to look at
             Those who surround us
And to look inward at ourselves.
             What do we see?
          Faces to remind us that
    In minds
               In hearts
                          In souls
              Lie memories linking past
                          To present
                           To future
                And we see in those
             Sparks of creation
                         That fly everywhere.

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