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a nurse holding someone's hand
As humans, we are all caregivers for each other – as the Talmud reminds us (Shevuot 39a), kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh – all of Israel are responsible for each other. Some of us find our roles as caregivers because of life experiences, some of us through our own interest and strengths, and many thanks to both. Whether we are caregivers due to our personal or professional responsibilities, or both, we are lucky enough to be witness to individuals in their full humanity and vulnerability. As such, we also must take care of ourselves in order to be fully present with the Other, reflecting our own humanity and vulnerability back to the people for whom we care.

Latest Rituals

“May it be your will, her Protector, /  to help her, my dear one, remember…”
Elderly person sitting on a bed, with another person beside them in a dimly lit room.
“Why am I not able to take this world of pain away from her?”
A person lying in bed with an IV in their arm, covered by a patterned blanket, next to a leafy green plant.
A helpful and relatable list for anyone in the tole of caregiver.
one hand rests upon another person's hand in a comforting way
A beautiful prayer for healing for those who are caring for others.
one person leading another

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