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Rabbi Darby Leigh teaches about interpreting the Shema in American Sign Language

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No space is too small to build a sukkah!

A two-story brick building with a small balcony and green-covered wall section.

In this video, learn the fundamentals of how to blow the shofar from Paul Root Wolpe, Ph.D.

a person blowing a shofar with eyes closed

A new legal formulation for kinyan as acceptance, rather than purchase

wedding band on a piece of wood

Seven wedding blessings adapted for two men

two men in suits with bow ties

Written for two men; adaptable for any two partners

two wedding rings

A new erusin blessing

canopy with flowers

These words are addressed to stepchildren standing under their new parents’ huppah

flower girl at wedding

Under the huppah, a heterosexual couple expressed their sadness for the inequitable status of same-sex couples

pouring wine and splashing

A mutual bedecken ceremony in which the groom and bride adorn one another with kippot and flowers

man and woman looking loving

The Reconstructionist Network

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Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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