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Topic Tags: midrash

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‘Woman Is a Tree of the Field’ is an original work of art inspired by trees in Jewish text and mystical tradition.
Textile art of a female figure with fiery hair, twig arms, and plants on a brown fabric background.
“I have no people and my God makes me mourn…”
a fiery sunset of orange and yellow
“The water waited to see the animals again, / the shapes they would assume and the sounds they’d make…”
the raging waters of a flood
“Prophecy is the glue that yokes today / with tomorrow, it is one hopeful word…”
reflection of reeds in the Sea
A midrash shared from the perspective of Elisheba.
a mirror set in a tree
“The child / had suckled my breast, but / would call another mother.”
A woman sitting alone in the desert
“I am thirsty to return to the peace of our peoplehood…”
water lit from above

A midrashic tale of how twelve sisters, representing each of the twelve months, gather to mourn on Tisha b’Av

person in cape on beach

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