Topic Tags: interfaith

Latest Rituals

A Mi Sheberakh blessing to acknowledge people of other faiths who support and participate in the Jewish community

Mi Sheberakh Blessing of Appreciation for People of Different Identities

A blessing for meeting across differences and the story behind its creation.

A Blessing for Interfaith Encounter

A havdalah candle-lighting ritual as part of a Jewish-Christian interfaith wedding performed on a Saturday night

a blue and white havdalah candle
The Reconstructionist approach seeks to elevate the pastoral possibilities of Jewish divorce, focusing on the emotional, spiritual and personal dimensions rather than on the technical processes of halakha.
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A ceremony in place of an auf ruf for an interfaith couple before their wedding

Bayit Ne’eman: Faithful Home Ceremony

Seven blessings to offer at a wedding loosely based on the traditional sheva brakhot

man and woman holding hands palms down

Who can officiate at a Jewish wedding? How do you find them, and what should you ask?

bride and groom under canopy

Three innovative and creative wedding practices, including a two-act play as wedding ceremony

New Twists on Tying the Knot

A look at the sociological and demographic implications of intermarriage in the Jewish community along with things a prospective interfaith couple should know about Jewish attitudes, family, rabbinic officiation, the ceremony, negotiating the Jewish community after the wedding, and conversion

bride and groom hands

A certificate by which a non-Jew joins his/her fate to the Jewish people without formally converting and a marriage contract for a Jew and a ger toshav (resident stranger)

man in yarmulkah

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Count On Telling Your Story: A Ritualwell In-Person Immersion

Join us for Count On Telling Your Story: A Ritualwell In-Person Immersion on Sunday, June 9th. Mix and mingle with old and new friends, enjoy delicious kosher-vegetarian food and engage in a variety of creative, thought-provoking sessions exploring rituals, writing, and art.

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The Reconstructionist Network