Legend says that Sarah Imenu’s Shabbat candles never went out but burned all week long until the next candle lighting. Envision Sarah Imenu lighting her Shabbat candles in her tent in the desert sands many centuries ago. Envision the glow of her candles shining from one Shabbat to the next. Now envision Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah lighting their Shabbat candles. Feel the warmth of the candle glow wrapping around you like a blanket. Envision Miriam, Esther, Dvora, Judith, Hudah, Hannah, Ruth and Naomi – and all the women of the Torah, the daughters of Sarah Imenu – kindling their Shabbat candles.
See many generations of women lighting candles, from all over the planet, up until the present time. See generations of women from your own family through the ages. Now envision a stream of light flowing from all these candles – flowing from all these women of light, these daughters of Sarah Imenu, these Keepers of the Flame — to you – l’dor v’dor – from generation to generation. Feel and sense how connected you are to all these women. Feel and sense the light they have brought into the world. Feel and sense how women of today, including you, continue to bring the light into the world.
Feel this eternal light flowing down to you from all the generations. Feel this light gently flowing into you. This is your soul light. Know that you are one in a long line of Keepers of the Infinite Flame, Keepers of the Soul Light of the world.