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Winokur Chad Gadya

This is a fun Chad Gadya that was written by my father, Rabbi Abraham Winokur, z”l. He created it many years ago as a Purim spiel, and it’s been a big hit at our family seders ever since. Enjoy!

Lyrics to Chad Gadya From A Night of Questions: A Passover Haggadah

Chad gadya chad gadya
Dizvan aba bitrey zuzey, chad gadya chad gadya.

Va’ata shunra ve’ahal legadya,
dizvan aba bitrey zuzey, chad gadya chad gadya

Va’ata halba venashah leshunra, de’ahal legadya, dizvan aba
bitrey zuzey, chad gadya chad gadya.

Va’ata hutra vehikah lehalba, denashah leshunra, de’ahal
legadya, dizvan aba bitrey zuzey, chad gadya chad gadya.

Va’ata nura vesaraf lehutra, dehikah lehalba, denashah
leshunra, de’ahal legadya, dizvan aba bitrey zuzey, chad gadya
chad gadya

Va’ata maya vehavah lenura, desaraf lehutra, dehikah lehalba,
denashah leshunra, de’ahal legadya, dizvan aba bitrey zuzey,
chad gadya chad gadya

Va’ata tora veshatah lemaya, dehavah lenura, desaraf lehutra,
dehikah lehalba, denashah leshunra, de’ahal legadya, dizvan
aba bitrey zuzey, chad gadya chad gadya

Va’ata hashohet veshahat letora, deshatah lemaya, dehavah
lenura, desaraf lehutra, dehikah lehalba, denashah leshunra, 
de’ahal legadya, dizvan aba bitrey zuzey, chad gadya chad

Va’ata malah hamavet veshahat leshohet, deshahat letora,
deshatah lemaya, dehavah lenura, desaraf lehutra, dehikah
lehalba, denashah leshunra, de’ahal legadya, dizvan aba bitrey
zuzey, chad gadya chad gadya.

Va’ata hakadosh baruh hu veshahat lemalah hamavet, 
deshahat leshohet, deshahat letora, deshatah lemaya, dehavah
lenura, desaraf lehutra, dehikah lehalba, denashah leshunra, 
de’ahal legadya, dizvan aba bitrey zuzey, chad gadya chad

An only kid, an only kid
My father bought for two zuzim, an only kid and only kid. 

There came a cat and ate the kid my father bought for two
zuzim.  Chad gadya, chad gadya. 

Then came a dog and bit the cat that ate the kid my father
bought for two zuzim.  Chad gadya, chad gadya.

Then came a stick and beat the dog that bit the cat that ate
the kid my father bought for two zuzim.  Chad gadya, chad

Then came a fire and burnt the stick that beat the dog that bit
the cat that ate the kid my father bought for two zuzim.  Chad
gadya, chad gadya.

Then came water and quenched the fire that burnt the stick
that beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid my father
bought for two zuzim.  Chad gadya, chad gadya.

Then came an ox and drank the water that quenched the fire
that burnt the stick that beat the dog that bit the cat that ate
the kid my father bought for two zuzim.  Chad gadya, chad

Then came a slaughterer and killed the ox that drank the
water that quenched the fire that burnt the stick that beat the
dog that bit the cat that ate the kid my father bought for two
zuzim.  Chad gadya, chad gadya.

Then came the angel of death who killed the shohet who
killed the ox that drank the water that quenched the fire that
burnt the stick that beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the
kid my father bought for two zuzim.  Chad gadya, chad gadya.

Then came the Holy One and killed the angel of death who
killed the shohet who killed the ox that drank the water that
quenched the fire that burnt the stick that beat the dog that bit
the cat that ate the kid my father bought for two zuzim.  Chad
gadya, chad gadya.


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