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When I Forget I Am Strong

Hands gently holding a pink flower, with a brown textured sweater in the background.
I am strong,
but I forget I am strong 
or simply don’t feel strong. 
Help me so I may experience my strength
and be grateful.
I am courageous,
but I forget I am courageous, 
or I’m unaware of being courageous. 
Help me be conscious of my courage
and be grateful.
I am resilient,
but I forget I am resilient 
or simply don’t feel my resilience. 
Help me to be mindful of my resiliency
and be grateful.
Look. I am capable.
Look. I am beautiful.
Yes, look at me.
I am made in the image of God.
I reflect God-Strength, God-Courage and God-Resilience.
I am strong.
I am courageous.
I am resilient.
I am capable. 
I am capable despite my challenges.       
I am filled with gratitude.      
I am blessed.

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2 Responses

  1. Powerful, and encouraging. We all lose the objective ability to comprehend ourselves, especially in difficult times. This is both a prayer and a lesson in coming to be.

  2. This is a wonderful poem that reminds us of the strength, beauty and resilience that we are. I will keep it as a reminder.
    Thank you Betty

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