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At the Water’s Edge: A Reading for Tashlikh

woman walking away on beach at sunrise

On this sacred day
when the old year slips away
we prepare to meet the year ahead,
we stand at the water’s edge
our pockets lined with dust and bread,
symbols of our shortcomings and regrets.

Many are the regrets and sorrows
that weigh upon our souls,
let us cast them off into the moving waters
so we may begin anew.

Great is our regret
for the harsh words we have spoken,
the tender words we left unsaid,
for the anger we let smolder,
the compassion we withheld,
for our greed and jealousy,
our lack of generosity.
for all that we could have done,
all that we have left undone.

Many are the regrets and sorrows
that weigh upon our souls,
let us cast them into the moving waters
so we can strive to become
all that we were meant to be.

Great is our remorse
for the energy we spent fighting
instead of trying to make amends,
for the times we could have lent a hand
instead of keeping our hands by our sides,
for the times we looked away from those near and far
who need our help and caring,
when we turned away from the places in the world
in need of repairing.

Many are the regrets and sorrows
that weigh upon our hearts and souls,
let us cast them into the moving waters
so we can begin to build bridges
connecting us one to another.


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