God is unknowable
but here’s what I know:
God yearns to be known
God is sitting alone in the schoolyard
wearing black and listening to death metal
God’s not sure why
it sounds like a prayer
God is writing a poem
about us and isn’t sure
what’s missing
God is writing a letter
but can’t find an ending
God is refreshing God’s Twitter feed
God is liking posts on Instagram
God has 6 million unread emails
God’s connection is unstable
God is stuck in traffic
God is in the hospital waiting room
God is singing at a campfire
God is pulling an all-nighter
in the university library
God is sighing, buying fruit
in the grocery store –
even organic doesn’t taste
like the Garden
God is grieving
God’s own inability
to heal all who need healing
God is trying to remember
that when someone is suffering
God’s Presence is enough
No one wants to be
alone in the end
not even God
God is asking
for our forgiveness
on Yom Kippur
God’s not sure if God
believes in us but can’t
stop searching for us anyhow
It’s the world’s longest game
of Marco Polo
“Can you hear Me now?” God asks
“Did you call My name?
Or was it only the echo
of My own voice?”
Maybe we are God’s echoes
Maybe God is inside each of us
Maybe we are inside of God
Maybe God is unknowable
but there’s one thing I know:
God yearns to be known