Look back only for as long as you must,
Then go forward into the history you will make.
            –Alberto Rios
No need to dwell in the past                          Â
those sights and soundsÂ
those stories behind you,
collected memories of a thousand generationsÂ
are within you, inscribed in blood and in bone,
inspiration in your ears.
Your birthright renews every breath:
         the song of MiriamMiriam is the sister of Moses and Aaron. As Moses' and Aaron's sister she, according to midrash, prophesies Moses' role and helps secure it by watching over the young baby, seeing to it that Pharaoh's daughter takes him and that the baby is returned to his mother for nursing. During the Israelites' trek through the desert, a magical well given on her behalf travels with the Israelites, providing water, healing, and sustenance. at the Red Sea,
            the voice of thunder atop Mount SinaiAccording to the Torah, God, in the presence of the Jewish people, gave Moses the Torah on Mount Sinai (Har Sinai)..
Only good passes throughÂ
   history’s intricate sieve, the most fine.
Yesterday’s remembered wrongs must cease, Â
so, do good this day and tomorrow,
for at this moment, you areÂ
why those who came before ever lived.Â
Go forward with all the strengthÂ
you need, with a passionate lightÂ
with a message that reaches for stars.Â
Go with the hope of heaven
with applause of ancestors
with radiant joy of grandchildren.