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The Mishkan Reassembled

person walking in desert sand dunes
It’s understandable.

We want the comfort

of Torah,

of a mishkan, 

Full and complete,
And traveling with us;
Given we are a people,
forever on the move.
The mystics teach
that each day,
extends throughout time.
every event,
a liminal variation 
on a theme.
Torah also carries
a dismantling. 
however disquieting,
a mishkan 
needs to be 
It is being called
to move.
the best each of us can do
is to be responsible 
for the safe-keeping
of one small,
yet beautiful and necessary part,
over terrain, 
somehow familiar, 
not yet 
fully known.
The best we can do
Is allow ourselves
To be reassured 
That one day,
Please God, soon,
We will collect ourselves;
We will gather in;
We will reassemble.





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