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The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party: Another Prayer for Israel

A dirt path lined with olive trees and stone walls leads through a scenic landscape under a clear blue sky.
At this Mad Hatter’s tea party,
my chair an inverted olive tree,
the roots poke and
oil pools at my bare feet.
My dress is a patchwork of bring them home posters, hospital rubble,
yellow ribbons, bullet marks in plaster, urine stained sheets, a cookie recipe,
drafts of song lyrics, a baby registration certificate – for twins,
the cold floor of another bomb shelter, white body bags, the child’s sock left behind in a safe room,
a trout fishery label, a bit of schach from a sukkah, a torn bit of hijab, and batman stickers.
English Breakfast tea seeps through the cracks in the bone china.
The Hatter keeps pouring.
I am drenched.
But, God, even if I have cried gallons of tears and the riddles are unsolvable
and some of the narratives are nonsensical
and who sits where and when feels like chaos
and when I cross my arms and stomp my foot because it is not actually eternally tea time,
the cold liquid splashes my legs . . .
I am not Alice.
I will not leave without saying goodbye.
I will not leave at all.
So help me.
Help me stay curious and when I can’t make sense out of nonsense help me find a better storyteller.
Help me hold onto my muchness and remember who I am.
Help me discern meaning and intention however the world around us spins.
And God,
When I pray for peace, help me stay raw.
Help me taste the bitterness of the tea and feel
the rough patchwork
against my skin.

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