Decades ago
on a dazzling day
drenched in autumn light
I slipped into jeans
tied the laces of my walking shoes
and skipped out on Yom Kippur
I was giddy in the woods
among the trees and tall grasses
until a hiss stopped me
This was no garden snake
But a full-grown copperhead
It’s diamond-skin of black, brown and tan skin
Blocking my path
A snake
tempted Adam and Eve
in the Garden of Eden
A coven of venomous snakes
called out the Israelites’ thanklessness
as they trekked
through the desert
to freedom
A snake made of brass
allowed those who looked upon it
to repent and heal
This snake
paused just long enough
for me to look upon it
to consider what I had done
A fiery serpent
reproaching me
for slithering away
from atoning for my transgressions?
I’ll never know
But I have not missed a neilah since.