We are here,
As one.
One people,
One community.
We’ve joined
To share in this treasured moment together.
As we transition from the hectic demands of life and daily routines,
We are invited to leave the week behind.
Let go of what has been,
Let go of what will be,
And enter a place of stillness, a sacred space and time.
As the sun begins to set,
Breathe in the glow of the sunset, and pause,
Breathe out the stresses of the week,
Breathe in the calm of nightfall, and pause,
Breathe out and feel a sense of release.
Breathe in the radiance of the moon and stars, and pause,
Breathe out all thoughts of doing,
And become one with this present moment.
Feel the warmth of relaxation wash over you.
Breathe in the radiant light, and pause,
Feel your mind become open and unfettered.
Breathe out and feel your soul become freed to soar to new heights,
Breathe in the calm, and pause,
Feel yourself surrender,
Breathe out everything and focus only on Now.
And feel your body, mind, and soul become whole and at peace.
Now we are finally ready,
To graciously accept this present from our loving Creator,
To embrace God’s gift of rest and rejuvenation,
To turn our complete attention toward ShabbatShabbat is the Sabbath day, the Day of Rest, and is observed from Friday night through Saturday night. Is set aside from the rest of the week both in honor of the fact that God rested on the seventh day after creating the world. On Shabbat, many Jews observe prohibitions from various activities designated as work. Shabbat is traditionally observed with festive meals, wine, challah, prayers, the reading and studying of Torah, conjugal relations, family time, and time with friends.
To savor all that Shabbat provides,
And become enveloped by holiness,
As we breathe in
And out once more,
We pause,
And welcome in the Shabbat Bride.