God of our mothers and fathers
do you hear your people cry?
do you hear your people cry?
Remember the covenant you made with our ancestors,
do not abandon us to the legions of evil.
do not abandon us to the legions of evil.
Hear Us. Remember Us.
The souls of the martyrs scream for justice,
we will pursue it with strength and righteousness.
we will pursue it with strength and righteousness.
Help us burn away evil without becoming
ensnared by its seductive power.
ensnared by its seductive power.
We are walking together through a dark valley
struggling to hold on to the vision of a world redeemed,
struggling to hold on to the vision of a world redeemed,
a world in which the children of Sarah,
and the children of Hagar will finally live in peace.
and the children of Hagar will finally live in peace.