On this day of great celebration and joy, on the _[Hebrew date]_ which corresponds to _[English date]_, in _[location]_, in the presence of family and friends, the brides _[name]_ and _[name]_ said to each other: “I dedicate myself to you, according to the ever evolving laws of Moses and Israel.”
We will cherish, cover, protect, financially sustain, work, nourish, and fulfill each other’s needs with honor according to the ways of Jewish tradition. We will create a home echoing with ancient and new melodies, a home which will be a link to the generations of the Jewish people. We will be devoted to justice, to acts of lovingkindness, and be partners in repairing the world. We will respect each other and the divine image within us. We will love each other always, the people we are and the people we will become. May our love be a blessing for all the world to share.
This is a covenant of love and companionship, as Ruth said to Naomi: wherever you go I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge, your people shall be my people, and your God my God.
This is a covenant of protection and shelter, as the Jewish People bless one another: May God bless you and keep you; May God’s face shine upon you; May God lift God’s face to you and grant you wholeness and peace.
This is a covenant of devotion, like the covenant that David and Jonathan made: And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him like his own soul.
In the presence of witnesses, __[name]__ and _[name]_ accepted upon themselves responsibility for this ketubah contract.
All this is valid and binding.