We pray for Ukraine and the safety and security of its citizens.
Bless those fighting to protect their homeland
with resources, courage, determination, and strength.
We pray for the refugees evacuating their homes.
Watch over them on their journey, provide for their needs,
and enable them to return swiftly to Ukraine.
We pray for the Russians protesting this invasion.
May their voices be heard and magnified,
and help bring an end to the conflict.
We pray for the countries offering humanitarian aid.
Bless them with abundant resources
to feed, clothe and shelter the refugees.
We pray for our world leaders determining history.
Bless them with wisdom, clarity, and unity
and enable them to act decisively for the greater good.
We pray for those who are suffering, grieving and afraid.
Bless them with hope and healing, comfort and connection,
and the knowledge that they are not alone.
We pray for our broken world, and the people in it.
Bless us with the ability to work together
to usher in an era of abiding peace.