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Prayer and Somatic Meditation for These Uncertain Times

Person sitting on a wooden dock, facing a misty, calm lake.
Recite while sitting or standing, if you are able. If not, this practice can be done lying down and imagining any of the movements or positions that are inaccessible. As an alternative, these prayers can be recited as affirmations (see below).
With one hand on your belly and the other on your chest, take a deep breath letting your belly and chest expand as you inhale while imagining your heart wrapped in the Shekhinah’s wings. Keep your hands on your body while saying:
May I inhale the breath of the Divine with every inflow allowing it to fill every cell of my entire being. May I exhale gratitude with every outflow. May my heart be held by Hashem/Havayah and the Hosts of Heavenly Love. May it be filled with the Shekhinah’s Light. 
(Affirmation: With every inflow, I inhale the breath of the Divine; it fills every cell of my entire being. With every outflow, I exhale gratitude. My heart is held by Hashem/Havayah and the Hosts of Heavenly Love; it is filled with the Shekhinah’s Light.)
Hold your arms out to the sides and up while taking a deep breath. Imagine them being supported by the Shekhinah’s wings while saying:
May my hands hold up the walls of all the wonders and wisdom of the moment that is now. May my arms be the branches of the tree of my Life as I draw down the energy of shamayim, the infinite expanse liberating the narrowness of the fear in my heart. May they entwine with all those who I love and who love me in return. May I draw in and send out support in a lemniscate of Loving care and community.
(Affirmation: My hands hold up the walls of all the wonders and wisdom of the moment that is now. My arms are the branches of the tree of my Life. I draw down the energy of shamayim, the infinite expanse as it liberates the narrowness of the fear in my heart. My branches entwine with all those who I love and who love me in return. I draw in and send out support in a lemniscate of Loving care and community.)
With a deep breath and your feet on the ground, if possible, feeling the gentle tug of gravity connecting you to Earth’s support, cross your arms over your chest with your hands on your shoulders. As you slowly slide your hands down your arms to your elbows, imagine your body, from your shoulders down, as the trunk of the tree of your Life. Imagine roots growing down from your toes into the ground while saying:
May my feet be firmly planted in the foundation of Creation and my roots sink into the soil of “Hineini, here I am!” May I draw up the strength and support of my ancestors. May their resilience awaken within my DNA and heal my inherited trauma. May I pay homage to them and the (name the Indigenous ones), the Indigenous ones of the Earth where I grow and tend my Life (If you don’t know who the Indigenous ones to your area are, learn here.).
(Affirmation: My feet are firmly planted in the foundation of Creation. My roots sink into the soil of “Hineini, here I am!” I draw up the strength and support of my ancestors. Their resilience is awakened within my DNA and is healing my inherited trauma. I pay homage to my ancestors and the [name the Indigenous ones], Indigenous ones of the Earth where I grow and tend my Life.)
With a deep breath, gently shake out your arms and any other body parts you feel called to. Place both hands on your heart imagining a flame within it. Connect with the blue part of the flame at its core and imagine sending it down into your roots while saying:
May I release my intergenerational trauma while sending gratitude to my ancestors. May the healing energy of the Shekhinah, of the Divine Presence flow from my heart through my roots to the spirits of my ancestors and the (name the Indigenous ones), the Indigenous ones of this land.
(Affirmation: I release my intergenerational trauma. I send gratitude and the healing energy of the Shekhinah, the Divine Presence through my roots to the spirits of my ancestors and the [name the Indigenous ones], the Indigenous ones of this land.)
With a deep breath and one hand on your forehead with the other around the back of your head at the base on your skull, imagine a fully circular rainbow surrounding your head as a promise of protection. Keep your hands in this hold as you say:
As I go forward, may I remember that fear is not a failing on my part; it is a feeling, and “feelings are not facts.”1 Living in the trauma-induced fear of the future is not living in reality. May I dwell in the promise of the Divine after the Great Flood. When I do stray into my imagination, may I find myself in olam haba, the world where everyone has the resources needed to thrive. May I find creative solutions to co-weave it into being every day and be empowered to affect positive change.
(Affirmation: As I move forward, I remember that fear is not a failing on my part; it is a feeling, and “feelings are not facts.”1 Living in the trauma-induced fear of the future is not living in reality. I dwell in the promise of the Divine after the Great Flood. I am empowered to affect positive change and am finding creative solutions to co-weave olam haba into being every day where everyone has the resources to needed thrive.)
With one hand on your belly and the other on your chest, take a deep breath imagining the breath of the Divine filling your belly and lungs, whole body and mind, heart and soul releasing any unhealthy thoughts, emotions, or sensations. Keep your hands in position while saying:
May the Divine within radiate and guide me through these times of great uncertainty. As I navigate them, may my spirit be fully present and resourced. May I give thanks to my feeling heart, my flowing breath, and my flourishing body. May I give thanks to all the wells from which I draw. May I carry out the kavanah of tikkun atzmi/self-care at this crucial time and balance it with acts of tikkun kehilah/caring community and tikkun olam/mending the world. May Love and the words tzedek, tzedek tirdof2 lead my way. Kein y’hi ratzon/ken y’heh ratzon;3 so may it be! Amein v’amein; I have faith and believe!
(Affirmation: The Divine radiates within and guides me through these times of great uncertainty. As I navigate them, my spirit is fully presenced and resourced. I give thanks to my feeling heart, flowing breath, and flourishing body. I give thanks to all the wells from which I draw. I am carrying out the kavanah of tikkun atzmi/self-care at this crucial time and balancing it with acts of tikkun kehilah/caring community and tikkun olam/mending the world. Love and the words tzedek, tzedek tirdof2 lead my way. And so it is and forever shall be! Amein v’amein; I have faith and believe!
Thanks to Nina Pick and Simon Wolff for teaching me some of these self-holds. 

  1. Twelve Step slogan 
  2. “Justice, justice you shall pursue.” – Deuteronomy 16:20
  3. NB Hebrew form of saying according to Lior Gross and Eyal Rivlin of the Nonbinary Hebrew Project

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