Vermont Apple Trees at Tu B’Shvat

“Let light / reach all the places where blossoms would wantonly erupt…”
Sitting by Her Bedside

“Why am I not able to take this world of pain away from her?”
None Of Us Are Free

“If you believe my enemy is weapons and war…
Let me tell you, my friend, it is silent.”
The Soul Lights Up

“The spark of the divine in us lights up the vastness of the Beloved…”
Eighty Years of Memor

“To speak their names, to light a flame…”
Prayer for Equal Rights for Members of the LGBTQ Community

“Let your blessing pour out on the members of the LGBTQIA community…”Â
Olam, Shanah, Nefesh: A Shehecheyanu Meditative Prayer

“As we inhale,
we breathe in this magical moment
of this blessed day…”
Before the Split

“Let us sing together at the rivers of trust…”
Woman Is a Tree of the Field

‘Woman Is a Tree of the Field’ is an original work of art inspired by trees in Jewish text and mystical tradition.
Sacred Roots: A Tu B’Shvat Celebration

“May we grow like them, reaching high, growing true…”