To Bathe in Darkness
Words to inscribe the welcoming of the month of Tevet
Family Portrait
The painting is for grandparents, miles away, / who long for them…”
L’Dor V’Dor
“How do we know what will outlive us? / We all want to be remembered
our lives to count for something…”
The Light Which Doesn’t Fade
“Each night is a small miracle unto itself…”
Dinah’s Voice
“Your story is not over; your life is larger than this. / We’re listening.”
Standing Before the Offspring of Obfuscation
“Every once-planted tree cut, split to fire the forge / Each generation laid to waste in a gorge…”
HaMakom: Vayeitzei
“Feeling the stone rolling off the well, / I welcome / This new day.”
Another School Shooting
“bullets have shattered / the land of make believe…”
Glad Tidings (Hanukkah, 1954)
“You said I should always feel proud—/Why wouldn’t I let my best friend know?”
A Blessing for Kislev
“For eight days Light cries /out to you, assures you / it is safe now…”