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Rent Party

a peak in the desert

“Moses came down from the mountain, / plenty tired and more than a little singed…”

Seder Plate Poems

items on a silver seder plate

Poet Corie Feiner’s collection of poems explores the seder plate symbols with depth and beauty.

Why On This Night? Four Questions for 5784

a cloudy sky looms over the desert

“On this night, as we gather in our narrow places, / how can we not mourn the loss of our dear ones,
those in captivity, those gone,
those no longer our friends?”

Passover Kavannah (Intention), 5784

a red poppy flower in a field of baby's breath

The Passover seder includes two powerful rituals of grief: dipping a leafy green into salt water and removing ten drops of wine from our cups. With salt water we stop […]

The Reconstructionist Network

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Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

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