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Mourners Kaddish After a Mass Murder

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba Life is a volley of bullets b’alma di v’ra hirutei, v’yamlikh malkhutei, Time is a bleeding wound b’hayyeikhon uv’yomeikhon uv’hayyei d’khol beit Yisrael, in houses of […]

Shofarot: A Tripartite Proposal

As a once and future (I will getA writ of divorce. Traditionally, only a man can grant his wife a get. Liberal Jews have amended this tradition, making divorce more egalitarian. […]

Sefirat Ha’Aveilut: The Counting of Grief – from Shavuot to Tisha B’Av

the silhouette of a person sitting with hands clasped and head bowed, there are trees in the background

A new ritual of creating a daily embodied spiritual practice for the liminal period of Sefirat Ha’Aveilut/the counting of grief, in the nine weeks between Shavuot and Tisha b’Av

Prayer for Solomon Teka

This is a poem written in response to the death of 18-year-old Ethiopian Israeli Solomon Teka, who was shot by an off-duty police officer on Sunday, June 30th. I’m an […]

Uterus Funeral Using Seedling Paper

This ritual is intended to be done using seedling paper (“Seed paper is a type of handmade paper that includes any number of different plant seeds. The seeds themselves can still germinate after the […]

The Four Elements: Mindfulness Ritual for Tu B’Shvat

This ritual was created as a ritual of kavannahLit. Intention Refers both to one’s intention when performing a mitzvah or when focusing for prayer. Kavanah also refers to specific readings to help […]

A Sewn Amidah

Each stitch is a name, a voice, a memory, a mitzvah of old; Each stitch connects them with me and me with mine, Each stitch securing us in the fabric […]

Against Detaining Children

This prayer is in response to the detention of children at the U.S. border, as well as the tragic deaths of innocents there and in the custody of the federal […]

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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