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Prayer for a Health Care Team

Divine Presence, we delight in Your world and in the many blessings and gifts we encounter throughout our lives: love and connection, joy, hope, celebration, and the very gift of […]

Social Justice Tashlikh Prayer

In this new year & every year, we must take accountability for the ways we & our communities have contributed to injustice. As we prepare to cast away our sins […]

Ani Ma’amin

Inspired by the thirteen-point version of the Jewish principles of faith. I have written this to be recited at the ending of my morning prayers, but it could easily be […]

Humanistic Amidah

The Daily Standing Prayer KavanahLit. Intention Refers both to one’s intention when performing a mitzvah or when focusing for prayer. Kavanah also refers to specific readings to help focus one’s attention prior […]

Fault Lines: For The Ones Who Need Healing

Cracks form as we survive grief They start with sharp broken edges Eventually dulled when worn by time The crevasses remain but they narrow And rather than fall into them […]

Ein Od: There is No Other

Ein Od (“There is No Other”) from the album Open My Heart, by Yosef Goldman (Rising Song Records 2019) Music composed by Yosef Goldman Lyrics: Aleinu Prayer, Deuteronomy 4:35–38, Zechariah […]

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Join the Ritualwell community to read and discuss examples of hope expressed in writing through song, story, humor and metaphor that will stir you to think about where hope lives within you.

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