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A Dayeinu for Our Time

Dayeinu is the most well-known Passover song, probably because of its simple refrain and rollicking tune. But it actually makes no sense. Would it really be enough if God had […]

Wrap Me Up: A Prayer For Those Who Are Overwhelmed

Ezrat Nafsheinu—Soul sustainer, I’m tempted to go get my tallisA four-cornered garment to which ritual fringes (tzitzit/tzitzi’ot) are affixed. The knots in the fringes represent the name of God and […]

The Blessing of Faces: A Zoom Prayer

Zoom gallery

So many beautiful faces, So many radiant souls, Shining forth Into our hearts. Look at those eyes. The smiles. The hopes. The fears. The yearning. The questioning. The compassion. The […]

Prayer for Nurses

God, Source of Life, we discern your presence through our actions here on earth. We know you as Healer through the care and attention of the healers we encounter. Compassionate […]

“Eli, Eli” Song

Elana Bell singing “Eli Eli,” by HannahHannah is the mother of the prophet Samuel, who, through her prayers, is rewarded a child. She herself is also considered a prophet. Hannah’s […]

Raise Us High

Source of Life, cleanse our world… Send rains of health and wellbeing, Wash away the contagion surrounding us, Bathe our souls in lasting love. Creator of All, see us through. […]

Prayer for Surgery

I, _____ come to you to day, with trust in your artistic and healing abilities. I thank you for your work, knowledge, experience and dedication to your job and your […]

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Join the Ritualwell community to read and discuss examples of hope expressed in writing through song, story, humor and metaphor that will stir you to think about where hope lives within you.

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