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Our Mikdash (For dedication of a sanctuary)

synagogue sanctuary with red carpet

“And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst.” (Shemot/Exodus 25:8)

This is the beginning of the instructions for the building of the Mikdash, the Tabernacle, the “dwelling place.”

The Hebrew word “mikdash,” is related to “kadosh,” meaning “to set apart” or “to make holy.”

A mikdash is where God’s presence dwells. Where Gd can be encountered, served, and from where the ways of the One can be taught and learned.

Tonight, our own mikdash, “Mikdash (insert synagogue or sanctuary name)” is being renamed in honor/memory of (insert person’s name) whose presence is now, has been, and will always be felt in this sacred space.

It is so fitting that we honor/remember (insert person’s name) in this way. Their embodiment of holiness, Jewish spirit, and mitzvot, have helped (insert synagogue name) to become what it is today … strong, thriving, and fully embracing of all who walk through its doors.

Our congregation is unique, because of the the unyielding dedication to, and the always present love for, this congregation, which (insert person’s name) has always shown us.

And now, let us raise our voices in celebration of our legacy, of (insert person’s name), and of this sacred mikdash, as we join together for Shehekheyanu:

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha’olam, shehekheyanu, v’kiy’manu, v’higiyanu laz’man hazeh.

Blessed are you Adonai, Creator of All, who keeps and sustains us, and has allowed to be here now.

Yasher Koakh!

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