Mikveh Hamayim

dark water with bubbles of light

Soon it will be
One year,
Since you died.

365 days:
Your death straddling
The two halves
Of my life.

12 months of mourning,
Travelling, conjoined,
On our continuing
Separate ways.

I will descend
Seven steps down
To once again
Be within
The Womb.

In water, where
All distinctions
Where inner waters
Reunite with
Those of the upper,
Where I know
You are,
This I will re-gift;
Your waters,
Now mixed
Within mine.

This container;
Our life-long
Our life-long

Oh, Alchemy
Of Waters
Rising in
Seven step ascension,
Renew my
With firmament
More steady,
Infused by a heart,
More buoyant.

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