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In Every Generation: A Lamentation

tents camped in the desert


In every generation we are hunted down—
at the Tree of Life, tending our gardens,
dancing with abandon to music we love.
In every generation we flee from Egypt,
weep by the Rivers of Babylon
mourn in the ruins of our holy places.
How long will our exile be this time?
A hundred generations? Thirty years?
Three hundred days and counting?
In every generation we drag ourselves along,
jet-lagged and weary, clutching tattered passports,
trying to reach the Promised Land.
We are so tired and so disheartened,
saying Kaddish over and over again,
until we ask, do we glorify God’s name in vain?
No matter. 
We will weep through as many nights as we must,
and then go out from our houses of mourning,
to turn our grief into joy and dance once again.

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