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I Want

a collage of multicultual faces
I want to drown 
In wine, beer, novels, gummies, FaceBook, texts, Google, YouTube, NetFlix, Prime 
I want to be carried into a deep, deep 
salty sea of sound, rhythm, in tune with oceanic harmonies 
away from my wants 
I want to end the war – in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine 
I want to end starvation in countries whose names I don’t know 
I want to end racism, sexism, ageism, antisemitism, Islamophobia 
I want to end poverty, disease, suffering 
I want to end injustice of every kind for every one, every being 
I want to end the climate crisis 
I want to save the elephants, the bees, the birds, the forests, the ocean 
I want clean water, air, soil 
I want to save cultures, languages, 
I want to save villages, parks, farms, river communities 
I want to save freedom, education, the right to choose, 
I want to save true democracy 
I want to save journalists, writers, painters, sculptors, dancers, composers, musicians, chefs, wait staff, poets and dreamers 
I want to save the whales, dolphins, whole species on the brink of extinction 
I want to save the young from being dragged into war 
I want to end war, finally 
I want to end domestic abuse, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse 
I want to end violence and oppression 
I want to save abandoned babies, parents and grandparents 
I want 
I want 
I want 
I want to learn to swim in this sea of wants 
to save myself 
and you 

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