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I Am Learning

Fresh blueberries in small cardboard containers at a market.
I am learning
That I have control
Over not much more
Than what to have for breakfast 
And even that depends 
On whether I remembered to get yogurt 
Or if that week
I can afford blueberries.
I am learning that world events
Do not recognize my opinions
And that cruelty doesn’t care
If I am appalled.
I am learning 
That I no longer want to march or rally:
My knees want me to stay home
And sometimes I worry I may be aging into apathy. 
But enough of that; I’m bored with despair 
And prefer to think of the hopeful young
In cahoots
With the stubborn old
Which makes the act of teaching,
Like blueberries,
Downright optimistic.
And I am learning.



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