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Healing Niggun for Ukraine

A woman with glasses plays a harp, wearing a black and white shawl, against a plain background.

Ana El Na Refa Na Lah (Numbers 12:13) is a potent prayer for healing. Recently I set the prayer to the melody of a traditional Ukrainian lullaby, “The Dream Passes by the Window.” Chanting the prayer to this hypnotic musical setting brings the meaning of the words – “God please heal her” – deep into my heart. By framing a traditional healing text with a Ukrainian folk melody I try to elevate my spirit and pray in solidarity with the suffering of Ukrainian families and communities in their struggle to survive and be a free people.

The video clip is meant to help you learn how the melody and lyrics work together. Ideally the niggun should be sung several times to help you enter a meditative prayerful state with deep kavannah.



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