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The Healing Light of Hanukkah

Hanukkah menorah with nine lit candles, in an alternating pattern of blue and yellow, glowing in the dark.

Rabbi Malka Drucker (2002) states that the miracle of Hanukkah is not just about a little bit of oil lasting eight days. It is about the inner healing light within each of us. Hanukkah is a time when we can celebrate this inner healing light as we move toward wellness. Hanukkah is also about the miracle of survival against all odds, about hope, courage and belief in one’s ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. This is a powerful symbol that can be used for healing and wellness. This imagery can be used to help people believe that they can overcome obstacles to wellness and healing.

Hanukkah Candle-Lighting Blessings

First night:

For the blessing of well-being and transformation that flows from this season, we light this candle for the health and wellness of our bodies.

Second night:

For the blessing of well-being and transformation that flows from this season, we light this candle for the health and wellness of our minds.

Third night:

For the blessing of well-being and transformation that flows from this season, we light this candle for the health and wellness of our souls.

Fourth night:

For the blessing of well-being and transformation that flows from this season, we light this candle for the health and wellness of our children.

Fifth night:

For the blessing of well-being and transformation that flows from this season, we light this candle for the health and wellness of our parents.

Sixth night:

For the blessing of well-being and transformation that flows from this season, we light this candle for the health and wellness of our communities.

Seventh night:

For the blessing of well-being and transformation that flows from this season, we light this candle for the restoration of health and wellness to those who are ill, suffering, or grieving.

Eighth night:

For the blessing of well-being and transformation that flows from this season, we light this candle for the health and wellness of our world.


For the blessing of well-being and transformation that flows through the Shekhinah, the Source of Healing Wisdom and Inner Light.

With thanks to Rabbi Malka Drucker, whose Hanukkah teaching can be found at

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