Hashiveinu: Return Us

Return us to ourselves
Return us to each other
Return us to the earth
Return us to our Land: the land beneath our feet
Return us to This Moment
Return us to our knowing
  remembering that we know
Return us to our rhythms
Return us to our drums
Return us to sleep in the middle of the night
Return us to our deepest desires
  our shared loves
  our clear visions
Return us to our bodies
  to our breath
  to breathing easily
Return us to knowing
  how beautiful we are
Return us to ourselves
Return us to each other
Return us to our good questions
  our bare feet
  our brilliant minds
  our singing voices
Return us to falling in love
  with ourselves
    and each other
Return us to our Shrines
  and to our shrine-keeping
Return us to our places of peacemaking
Return us to trusting each other
  and ourselves
Return us
  turn us
    and we will dance and be held
and behold that we are whole
and be in harmony with You
Return us
  keep turning us
for everything is within us
for Torah will keep coming out of us
for sweetness is
  within us
and longs to return to You

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