Racism, misogyny and greed are alive, but poorly and sick,
as ever. Fed and poisoned by the frenzied fruits of fear;
especially fear of change; anything deemed dangerously strange.
With a ravenous hunger for stability, tummies rumble,
claws barely cling to a stable mirage? A genius ruse? A grift,
built on the myth that less for you is more for me.
Political amnesia, it appears,
has rendered half the populace blind, duped, drunk with rage,
and stumbling towards a precarious cliff;
lemmings, leaving behind the rest of US;
the abandoned, forgotten WE; all THE People.
But, I will not harbor hate in my heart.
Forgiveness can wait a long time on love’s shore.
Shock, disbelief, anger, disappointment, grief;
the pull of that wily shape-shifter is confusing.
Do not go down the rabbit hole, where disillusioned darkness thrives;
the subterranean maze, the crowded place where dreams go to cry.
America needs us to pull together now, more than ever before.
Let us stand hand-in-hand, blinking towards the light,
bathed in democracy’s bright promise.
A new day has dawned, and here we are:
friends and neighbors beneath the same vast sky.
We must console ourselves first. That is appropriate, and true.
There is no time limit on sorrow.
Still, we cannot become complacent. Stay awake. Be aware;
listen for the shofar’s staccato call: “courage, be brave, courage, be brave.”
Tonight’s moon may shine behind clouds, and hope may drift and doze,
hidden, but not gone. “Arise, organize”, hear the shofar calling you:
“Realize democracy’s gleaming promise!”
Together, this is what WE THE PEOPLE shall do.